May came so suddenly this year and before I knew it I was completely swamped and overwhelmed with many obligations. So many important dates occurred this May.
-Seamus' sixth grade camp.
-The big school festival.
-The school's Performing Arts night.
Those three events take a lot of planning and preparation. They require care and attention. This year they occurred during three consecutive weeks. It was kind of brutal.
In May, Matt had to leave to Quantico for a week on USMC business. Talk about a bad week... it was ugly. Matt's week away coincided with the school asking me to work everyday in the school office. I was clocking in 7 hour days/five days that week and then coming home around 5pm (sometimes later) to no husband and no plan. I have always stated that I would not make a good single parent, but now I can also attest that I would not make a good single, working parent. That gig is tough! I never thought I lived a spoiled lifestyle until I survived that week. I was tired all the time. At night, the exhaustion became taxing and I quickly lost my patience with the boys. I just wanted to be left alone; to lift my throbbing legs up and veg out in front of the television. That wanst meant to be. Since I couldnt do what I wanted to do, I yelled a lot. I did not act like a woman of 39 years. I seemed to succumb to my own "witching hour" between 8 and 9:30 each night. It wasnt pretty. In addition to my exhaustion and childish beahvior, we ate out 4 days out of seven that week. McDonalds. Burger King. Albertos. Souplantation. I know... Im ashamed. My problem was two fold. Firstly, I couldnt figure out how to squeeze in a trip to the store to buy groceries. Seriously! I wasnt expecting to work all week and once I added that time to our normal, crazy post-school schedule, I couldnt easily swing it. Secondly, I lacked the energy to actually make dinner. One day (I cant remember which day) I left the boys together at home to grab some quick groceries for dinner. However, once I got home it was already very late and I was too exhausted to actually make it. I know. It was bad. Definitely not my finest hour.
Also in May, my Uncle John became critically ill. It was unexpected and very scary. My uncle lives up in LA and when we first heard of his hospitalization we rushed up there to stand vigil with the rest of my extended family. We didnt know if he was going to make it. My mother, my sisters and I made numerous trips up to visit him in the hopsital this month. Uncle John (who is also my godfather) has been in ICU for several weeks now but he appears to be getting slowly better. Thank God. For a while there, the emotional toll was pretty difficult for me to deal with.
So yeah... May has sucked the life out of me, but I promise I will get back on the wagon and start blogging tomorrow. I actually began writing my Italy Day Five post on May 12th, but I never finished it. Look for it Friday. Ive also been taking pictures of this month's events so I'll try to get pictures up in the next couple days. There are some cute ones.
Ok. Thats it.
Happy Thursday. :)
Oh, I forgot: this month I also packed on some pounds. Uggggh. Im blaming it on the stress of a chaotic month. I havent been eating well and my clothes are fitting very snugly. Perfect timing - summer/swimsuit season is pretty much here. Sooooo not cool.
Well - so much for us thinking you headed back to Italy!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your Uncle John - hopefully he is on his way to a quick revocery -- prayers being said for him.
My other comment? You just experienced a chunk of my everyday life! Working full time and being a mom is hard. My husband is a sr.proj.mgr. for a construction management firm. Currently, he is in charge of the new Children's Memorial Hospital in downtown Chicago. His commute is about 150 miles roundtrip. My commute to my office is an hour each way. It is hard! We have one son, and thankfully my parents are closeby to get him to his sporting events. And - there is nothing wrong with cheerios and fruit for dinner sometimes! as long as it was honey nut cheerios for breakfast! We have to do what we have to do, right? But thank God you can be near your kids during the day - even a quick glimpse of them in the hallway is way more than I get. (yeah, I'm jealous) The mommy guilt was raging this week, last week of school. I got the "Mom, I wish you were at the class picnic this week..." Ugh - so do I, dude.
I really want to look for a position part time much closer to home!
Say a prayer for me!
Hope you all have a great long, relaxing weekend.
Nice to see you back on your blog.
Nice reference. "Comfortably Numb" is my all-time favorite Pink Floyd song. Sweet!