I was really hoping I wouldnt have to post this family portrait. Its not very flattering, but I think in 15 years I'll appreciate it more. It was taken this month while we were watching Molly and McGee on their life feed/web page. We were really into that for about a week.
I thought I would get a chance to take another family picture, but this month has flown by. Actually 2010 has really been flying. Crazy how that happens.
March recap:
- Matt and I have been searching on tivo for everything Italy, Rome, Tuscany, Medici and Florence. We're gearing up for a big trip to Italy and wanted to get in the mood. So far, we've seen some cool travel shows and a great series on the rise and fall of the Roman empire. Matt is loving it. He's such a history dude.
-I read tons of Italy themed books this month and many of them were bad. Im not a reader by nature so this fact was a real let down for me. I suppose if I had thought about my purchases longer I could have guessed that fiction based in Italy mostly follows a generic, highly predictable plot line involving romance and second chances at love. Boring. Of all the books I read, the worst was one called Home To Italy by Peter Pezzelli. I have read better writing from middle schoolers. It was the worst book Ive read in many, many years.
-One random day this month I was in Costco and spied a woman in the next aisle who had twin babies. They looked like they might have been about 8 months old - a boy and a girl. As I looked at them, I had this out of nowhere yearning to have a baby. Let me rephrase: a STRONG yearning. It hit me hard and I spent the next several moments trying to figure out how I could convince Matt to reverse his vasectomy and knock me up. Thankfully the moment passed pretty quickly.
- Finn and Seamus had good report cards this quarter. Go boys!
-I discovered this fantastic new restraunt in town called The Yellow Deli. They have wonderful food and this tea type beverage called Yerba Mate. Sooooo rad. I find myself wanting to get there every day...but since I dont have the money, I only go for my "mate" once a week.
-Matt and I spent a weekend this month going wine tasting with Matt's oldest friend, Joe, and his girlfriend, Stephanie. Even though Matt and I drink wine regularly, it was our first time going wine tasting. Even though I was pretty much done drinking by the second winery, we had a fantastic time. We sampled wine from five different wineries that day and had a wonderful dinner at this place. At the beginning of the day, we decided Stephanie would drive us around so we left our car parked at the first winery. After dinner, when we went to pick it up and drive home, we were stunned to realize that our car was locked into the gated parking lot. Poor Joe and Stephanie were forced to drive us home (which was completely in the opposite direction they were hoping to go) and we had to retrieve the car the next day.
That's all I can remember for now.
Happy Thursday.
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