Picture was taken in Joshua Tree on Valentines Day.
February recap:
- Dama Shan came out to visit for about two and a half weeks in February. All four of us love her trips out to California. We feel spoiled that we get to enjoy her as much as we do. When Dama Shan comes, Matt gets motivated to do house projects. With Dama Shan's encouragement, he created us a fire pit in the back yard this month. Woooo hooooo! We cant wait until this summer when we can see Dama Shan again.
-Finn finally finished basketball this month. Yipeee! When I asked him if he wanted to do it again next year he said "I dont think so... unless Jeremy and James play again." He's looking forward to swimming lessons at The Wave. Last year we had to skip lessons for financial reasons, but this year we'll be sure to get him signed up in Spring. Finn and Seamus are both getting into the ipods this month too. Dama Teri gave them each one last year and it seems that they are just now realizing how much fun they can be.
- Seamus started playing soccer for the St. Francis School team this month. They have a good sized team and Im excited to watch them play. Its nice to get Shea playing a sport after taking the winter off. Shea also did a 5k run with Matt this month and finished first in his age group. Go SEAMUS!! His grades are doing better. He pulled up his Math grade to a B- a couple weeks ago, but I think its gone down a little since then. Hopefully with soccer starting up he'll be able to balance the studying with the sports.
- Matt went to Virginia for a week this month - work stuff. I missed him a lot, but was excited by the Georgetown hoodie he brought back for me. Matt gave up beer for lent this year and I believe its been a huge sacrifice thus far. Hopefully he can keep it up and stick to his commitment.
- Ive been enjoying the Olympics this month. I watch almost every night with Matt and am gonna be really bummed when its over later today. Matt and I are currently getting geared up for the Canada/USA hockey game this afternoon. Of course I want USA to win, but if they lose to Canada Im cool with that. Canada is rad. I would love to see them take home another gold on their home turf. Of course, if the USA wins, I'll be ecstatic. Im sure I'll cry.
What else? We were able to get a quick trip to J-tree this month which was awesome. Vista has gotten more rain than usual. I dont like it. Matt and I are beginning to solidfy plans for taking the boys over the Atlantic Ocean to Italy. We leave in 33 days. Eeeeeeeeekkkkkkk!
I guess thats it. February was quick, but good.
Happy Sunday.
I LOVE THIS SHOT and I am super excited at least ONE of my good friends is playing along. ;)