You know that song "Once in a Lifetime" by Talking Heads? David Byrne sings that part "And you may tell yourself... This is not beautiful house... this is not my beautiful wife!" I had a moment like that this week.
On Monday, we were homebound all day. Thats not normal for us. In the summertime, the boys and I try to get in a playdate or outing each day. When we dont have something scheduled, we hit the pool. Its very rare that we stay indoors for an entire day. But this past Monday, I was tired and it was hot. We had a busy weekend with reunion stuff and frankly I needed some down time. I sat on the couch all day long and watched about 9 hours of Veronica Mars on hulu. Im not exaggerating. 9 hours. I got up the couch to pee and eat. Thats it.
Here is my Talking Heads moment: the boys were perfect all freaking day. Let me say that again in caps: MY BOYS WERE PERFECT ALL DAY LONG. At first, I barely noticed. They were quiet. I didnt hear that annoying music coming from their Nintendo DS or the computer. I didnt hear them arguing with each other. When I got up to check on them I walked down the hallway and saw both of them playing legos in their room. They werent talking to each other. They just sat there on the floor,creating lego stuff, side by side.
Let me interject right here to say that legos are RAD! If your child does not own some legos, go buy him some right now. A milion blessings to the Danish people for inventing legos! They created a toy that is fun and engaging, but truly educational. Legos help develop fine motor skills and enhance a child's imagination. They are awesome! My kids have been into legos for years now and they are undoubtedly the best toys I have ever bought them. Legos might be expensive and they might kill like the Dickens when you step on them, but take it from me: they are worth their weight in gold. I have never seen my kids play for hours with a toy like they do with legos. And hello? My kids are ADHD. They have problems focusing. Not so with legos. Sure, they can sit in front of a videogame for hours, but we all know that's not a good thing. Videogames are like drugs. Legos are like vitamins!
So anyway, my kids were occupied with legos from 8am till 5pm and they were perfect, little angels. They didnt fight: no yelling, bickering, whining or crying. They didnt plug into any videgame or computer the entire day. They barely bugged me for a thing. It was seriously one of the best "me" days Ive had in a long time and the fact that they were here the entire time is nothing short of a miracle. They did take the legos outside at around 1pm and the nirvana state continued outdoors. They did make a pretty big mess in their room and in the hallway, but it was so worth it. They made an abundance of cool vehicles, buildings and gadgets and the three of us coexisted in harmony for hours.
I was so damn relaxed and happy that day. I lauded them to anyone who would listen: my mom, my sister and Matt. I was so fracking proud of them that day. Heck, I was proud of myself! As as ironic as it seems, I felt like a fantastic mother that day. Yeah... I know I was sitting on the couch watching tv for hours (something I literally NEVER do by the way,) but only a great mother could ignore her kids for that long and them not get into any trouble while playing beautifully together, right? I dont get many "Im a great mother" days but on Monday, I reveled in it. I got to chill and veg all day long and my kids, though with me, didnt spoil my self indulgent party. Ahhhhhhhh!
As I was making dinner that night, I looked out the window and had the thought to take a picture of them with their legos. Im sharing two of them here. I'll tell you what, as dorky a hobby as scrapbooking may be Im glad I do it because this day will never be forgotten. Not ever!

Videogames are like a drug. Legos are like vitamins!
ReplyDeleteThat quote is a keeper, my boys are 10 and 7 and if left to their own devices their day would flow like this:-
Get up, eat breakfast whilst watching TV
Play games til lunch
Eat lunch, whilst watching TV
play more games on a different console til dinner time
eat dinner, whilst watching TV
watch a movie until supper time
eat supper, whilst watching TV
clean teeth put on PJ's go to bed
Needless to say THAT sort of day NEVER happens. But the kids here in the UK break up for the summer today 49 whole days to fill and I am taking comfort from your post and hoping I have at least one of those this summer.
Sorry, I'm not stalking, I just got the latest Lego catalog and these games were in it I thought you might like a look see ....
Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, the site says Creationary isnt available in the US. Bummer.
ReplyDeleteThis is strange. I was looking around the site right now and I noticed the Death Star. Funny thing: yesterday as I was carpooling the kids to soccer, Shea's teammate started talking about the Death Star and how it was $400. I sat there quiet the entire thing, but I was thinking "There is no Death Star. What the heck is this kid talking about? $400? What???"
But low and behold, there it is: http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Product.aspx?p=10188&cn=233